So, you’re a user of the Aislelabs platform and you probably just realized – everything looks different!
And you’re right!
Here at Aislelabs, we’ve just gone through a major rebranding and website overhaul at in April 2024.
Why, you ask?
Not all our customers know it, but Aislelabs was the leading company to build new software capabilities that leverage WiFi data. Those solutions – for marketers and for analytics-consuming brick-and-mortar pros – were initially crafted in 2014. That’s right, in 2024, we are celebrating our 10th birthday.

During that time, Aislelabs pioneered new marketing tactics, entirely new methods of understanding the use of retail space and so much more.
It’s been an amazing 10-years – a milestone anniversary – and a natural time to reflect.
So, over the past 6 months, we prepared for a new Aislelabs, one with a renewed focus of its mission.
Our Home Page – Understanding the New Aislelabs
To understand the new Aislelabs, go no further than our new home page.

It includes our new mission: “Turn WiFi from a Cost Center to a Profit Center”.
If not obvious, it mirrors the first key attribute of our customers: WiFi is a significant cost for your organization – why not find more value in it?
If you’re a marketer, turn it into a contact acquisition channel.
If you’re an analytics pro, use it to understand dwell times, cross visits, the impact of the new Apple store on traffic flow and so much more.
Keep in mind, we do more hardware than WiFi – including people counter data – but
A Renewed Customer Focus
In the process that led to our relaunch, we had a lot of honest conversations within our business:
- Who do we really serve?
- What are they really about?
- How is Aislelabs different?
And time and again, it became clear – we serve marketers focused on promoting their built environments. Whether that’s a shopping mall marketer or the marketer for your favorite wing’s restaurant franchise, they are unique and what we have come to call… “the Built Environment Marketer”
With a range of marketing tools across the conversion funnel, we’ve recommitted our vision to helping the built environment marketer at the bottom of the funnel, once the prospect-turned-customer arrives at the property. Not only are we a leading non-purchase way to facilitate a deanonymization of that prospect (finally, know who they are), but we also are a leading way to bring them back (i.e. increase return visits).

A New Identity
What would a birthday be like without looking in the mirror?
Our visual and brand identity was also something we looked at this milestone 10-year point. With the decision to rebrand made, we made a few key decisions:
- Still Green. We are absolutely the “green” company. Check, let’s stay green.
- Cleaner. Our old logo was right for the time, but styles have changed.
- The A. We love our A – it’s now our icon.
Welcome to the new Aislelabs logo.

So, in summary, it’s a fantastic 10th birthday, one where we are both looking back – and ahead. With our new refreshed vision and customer focus, we’re also recommitting to our legacy of innovation. In the coming months, look for a wave of new solutions and features.
With love,
The Aislelabs Team