The new Aislelabs is here. Find out more

We’re rolling out new features today, Oct 9, 12:30-3:30 PM EST. Access may be briefly impacted for some users.  Check platform status.

New Aislelabs Airport Solutions

New Aislelabs Airport Solutions

Aislelabs is a leading platform for global airport marketing and analytics solutions using building data – wi-fi, camera and more.

We’re excited to share several major enhancements to our airport platform:

  • New “Flight Passenger Flow” Screen
  • New “Baggage Report” Screen

Flight Passenger Flow

With the latest updates to Floor Mapper, we have introduced new types of parameters into the Map view. Now, customers ran customize their floor plans with even more precision, adding layers of information that are crucial for efficient space management.

After connecting to your AODB, we optimize wi-fi data capture to identify only passengers – excluding airport employees. The result, for many airport, first ever insights including:

  • The time the first passenger departed the plane
  • The time the last passenger departed the plane
  • Total time to deboard the plane
  • And many more…

Interested in bringing deep operational insights to your airport? Let’s chat.

Baggage Report

For many of airport teams, visualizing data is still a challenge, including operational performance of the baggage area. Using our new Baggage Report interface, connected to your AODB API, operations teams can now instantly understand the connection between flights, flight times and baggage performance. And now, right next to all of your other airport analytics data.

For each flight, visualize detailed flight information from your AODB API:

Want to visualize the data in more detail? We’ll combine your AODB API data with our flight data to make the information searchable by airline, flight number and more. And export it for further offline analysis.

Find out more about our Airport Solutions.

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